E207: Becoming Zen and Creating your Future through Mindset with Matthew Belair | CPTSD Podcast

In this episode, I speak with my friend, Matthew Belair and talk about becoming Zen and creating your future through mindset.

Matthew Belair is the host of the Master Mind, Body and Spirit show that has reached #1 in over 20 countries. He is the creator of the Soul Compass Program, The Quantum Heart Hypnosis Technique and best selling author of Zen Athlete.

Matt has trained with 34th Generation Shaolin Kung Fu Monks in China, Trekked Mount Everest, studied meditation with Tibetan monks, explored Egypt with the resonance science foundation and traveled the world in pursuit of truth and self-mastery.

As a podcast host, coach, and speaker Matt is an avid researcher and experimenter in exploring human performance and conscious evolution.

I'm telling you right now, there's a tremendous amount of value that Matt will deliver for us today.
Please listen to this episode because it's powerful!

Learn more about Matthew Belair, visit:

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