June 30, 2022

E347: This is how you can love yourself today | Mental Health Podcast

In this episode, I wanted to give you just a quick insight today about one of the greatest tools that I've utilized to give myself this space to love myself, the same tools I've taught my clients and the same tools that I try to teach people...
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In this episode, I wanted to give you just a quick insight today about one of the greatest tools that I've utilized to give myself this space to love myself, the same tools I've taught my clients and the same tools that I try to teach people when I speak on the stage to love yourself.

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One of the questions that I get every day when I am coaching clients or doing a presentation or speaking is how do I really love myself? And that is one of the biggest battles that I've personally faced in my journey is getting to that place where I'm able to say that I love myself, where my clients can look at themselves in the mirror and be okay with the reflection and that really as a community and a collective that we can own our truth.

So, I was thinking about this and I wanted to give you just a quick insight today, about one of the greatest tools that I've utilized to really give myself this space, the same tools I've taught my clients and same tools that I try to teach people when I speak on the stage to love yourself. And it's very simple.

Ask yourself this question. What do I need to give myself that I've been denied? What do I need to give myself that I've been denied? This question is so incredibly important and it's not necessarily about money or possessions or materials, cuz I don't think that's gonna always be the answer instead it's about this really inherent conversation about the emotional things that you need to deliver for yourself. And that could be a multitude of different things, it could be I need to get myself outta bed earlier, it could be, I need to read that book, it could be I need a massage or to go to the doctor or take the medicine that I've been prescribed or any of the other things that exist in the world.

It's about honoring your truth. Honoring your truth and saying, I deserve to give myself what other people denied that could be compassion or empathy or self-care, or even pushing yourself. Right? Maybe you've been coed too much. There's no right or wrong here. It's about a massive amount of clarity about who you are.

And in that clarity, when you have the answer to follow through and to give yourself the space to be okay with that truth. So many people beat themselves up because they say, oh, this feels different than what I thought it would be. And they're scared of it, but that's okay. You don't have to be yourself up about it. You can give yourself that thing that you want, that you need, that you desire that feels like a calling for you. And when you do that, what you will find and discover is that there's the purest form of admiration that you can give to yourself. Cause so many people struggle and they ask me all the time, if I could tell you the number of clients that I've had over the years that have asked me to tell me, hey, how do I love myself? And the answer is to give yourself what you need. You would be shocked. You really truly would.

And for me, in my own journey, it was just in the little moments of, in the moments of passing, of taking a breath of finding the peace, of finding the calm and just saying, you know what, I'm gonna honor my reality today of what I need and deliver it to myself and not argue with myself and not be combative but instead say, this is my truth. And sometimes that truth is I need to push myself, sometimes that truth is I need to go to therapy, sometimes that truth is I need to remove myself from certain things that I do, it's always different. There's a lot of different things happening in the world and in your world, particularly and the best thing that you can do, if you truly wanna love yourself is give yourself the thing that you have been denied.

My friends. Thank you so much for being here. I'm gonna keep it short today, cuz I want you to just take away and run with this. Go and implement it into your life. Share this with somebody who needs it.  Do me a favor please. We're so close to 200 reviews on the podcast. If you'll take 30 seconds and leave review on iTunes or Spotify and just let me know what you think about the show, what you would like to learn about what you want us to do in terms of the future.

I want to hear from you. It means the world to.

Until Next Time.

My friends, Be Unbroken.

I'll see you.

Michael UnbrokenProfile Photo

Michael Unbroken


Michael is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, speaker, coach, and advocate for adult survivors of childhood trauma.