Aug. 14, 2022

My Daily ROUTINE and How I use it to Heal CPTSD and Trauma | CPTSD and Trauma Healing Coach

Join our FREE COMMUNITY as a member of the Unbroken Nation:   What is your daily routine? In this episode, I want to take a few minutes and break down the habits and routines that have helped me transform my life around childhood trauma and...
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What is your daily routine?

In this episode, I want to take a few minutes and break down the habits and routines that have helped me transform my life around childhood trauma and abuse recovery.

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You hear about people talking about routines and habits every single day. And so, I just wanna take a few minutes and break down my habits and routines that have helped me transform my life around childhood trauma and abuse recovery.

The reason I'm bringing this up is cuz I was on a podcast recently, they asked me and I'm sorry if you're watching on YouTube, the camera's super close to my face, I have no idea why, but thank you for watching anyway, if you're listen. You know, that's happening.

So anyway, my routine's very simple. Outside of what I would consider to be the normal things like brush my teeth, make my bed, the big thing that I try to do every single day, no matter what is just to simply remind myself that I am in control of my life. Now this works for me and I hope that it may work for you as well. And the way that this simply works is every single day when I wake up, I put my feet on the ground, take a breath just like that and to remind myself, I am the one in control of my life.

One of the biggest things that we suffer through as survivors is dissociation our brain being disconnected from our body but when I say I am in control of my life, it's a signal to myself to remember the truth about what is actually happening in is biological experience called life that we're having. And from that moment, the thing that I'm able to do is propel myself into the day. Now, of course, you hear the things about, you know, don't jump on your cell phone, first thing in the morning, step outside, get sunlight in your eyes, those things are incredible. But the other thing that I would say that I do maybe a little bit different than a lot of people is, I go through the Tony Robbins priming process in which it is this breathing, I'll tell you this Google or YouTube, Tony Robbins priming and he will do a way better job of explaining the execution and the process of doing it in a way that it is a neurobiological response. And so effectively what you're doing is you're oxygenating, you're putting oxygen in your lungs and in your brain, you are moving your physical body when you wake up, you are shaking out the trauma basically is the way that I phrase it. And then you are being able to step into your day in control and in power. And with doing that priming exercise now for years, the one thing that I can tell you is on the days that I don't do it, oh, I feel it, I feel it because our brains and our bodies are so disconnected. So, it's not only saying I'm in control of my life, it's stepping into priming. And then from there what it is; is I go into Whim Hof breathing.

Now the Whim Hof breathing method, again, I'm gonna recommend that you YouTube this, because he does a better job of explaining his modality than I do. But that process every day takes me anywhere from about seven to 10 minutes and in doing so, again, this is about oxygen. I'm able to really get inside of my body. And with that, what I do from that point is I step into, I make coffee, I grabbed my journal and I use a monk it's called monk manual. And so, I use monk manual because I feel like it really, it's my favorite, I've talked about this before, I've used Brendon Burchard, I've used impact theories, I've used a lot of different people I've even designed my own before. But I love the monk manual, I don't know why it just really suits me. There's a million different ways to journal and to do to-do list and all those things. And so, when I do that, then the next step is I definitely make sure I'm hydrated. So, water, sea pink Himalaya, and sea salt, and lemon juice and I buy this big thing of volcanic lemon juice, cuz I don't wanna squeeze a lemon every day that seems to work just fine from there it is head to the gym. And I work out six outta seven days a week, if my body needs recovery, I recover. If it doesn't and I'm just being lazy because natively I am lazy, I make myself go to the gym anyway. Often, I find out once I'm there, I feel pretty good about four days a week, not about four days a week I do sauna for 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the day, go look at the sauna research around both heated, and infrared saunas that Dr. Rhonda Patrick has done, because her work is absolutely incredible. And then from there, after the gym, I get into my workday.

You have to understand this, the first one hour to 90 minutes of your day, you really have to think about making that your time. And that needs to be your time, because if you are out here and you're working, you have family and you have kids and you're of service, where else in the day are you going to find that?

And so, my hope is that this will just be a small reminder to you that, you know, you don't need even, you don't even have to have 90 minutes. If you can find 25 to 30 minutes in the day in the morning, no cell phone, for just you, it will make a huge difference in your life. And for me, meditation comes in, depends on how I feel I do not meditate every day. I used to. Now I do not, maybe I will, again, I don't know, but ultimately the brain-body connection is kind of at the cornerstone of all of this journey for me.

So, I wanted to share this with you guys just simply because I've been asked about it frequently over the course of the last couple of months. And for me, this routine is ironclad, I've been doing it for years, it helps tremendously. And when you understand the biological experience that you're having, you can recognize how important it is to right off the bat, be able to calm and control your central nervous system, make sure that you're in a parasympathetic state, parasympathetic being the rest and digest the recovery, you can also remember parachute, as a way of context for this. And when you're in that state, you are more able to freely flow throughout your life in the day to day, to move, to breathe, to laugh, to have fun, to enjoy life ‘cuz my friends, we know this journey is very, very difficult, but in between the difficulty should and can be joy and fulfillment, but you have to be willing to step.

So, I hope this has beneficial to you, my friends.

I appreciate you being here. Have an amazing day.

Make sure you come and join Think Unbroken Academy. Just go to, where you can find a ton of free resources, an amazing, beautiful community of trauma survivors, and many, many things to come. And so, that's at

And Until Then.

My Friends, Be Unbroken.

I'll see you.

Michael UnbrokenProfile Photo

Michael Unbroken


Michael is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, speaker, coach, and advocate for adult survivors of childhood trauma.