March 23, 2022

E247: Finding & Owning your True North with Paul Beam | Trauma Healing Podcast

In this episode, we have guest speaker Paul Beam, who has the True North Podcast. Paul's is an incredible human being, a former military veteran service member of a man of tremendous value who's helping other men along their journey.
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In this episode, we have guest speaker Paul Beam, who has the True North Podcast. Paul's is an incredible human being, a former military veteran service member of a man of tremendous value who's helping other men along their journey. I thought it was serendipitous that he would come and be a guest on Think Unbroken today as we are launching The Unbroken Man book.

Paul is incredible because he talks about so many things that hold true to me that I look at, and I go, man, if I had known what he was talking about when I was 20 years old, I don't even know where I'd be.

Now, of course, I recognized you can't change the past that's not what I'm trying to say in that. Just looking at and understanding that the structure in which our lives are formed can forever be changed by when we start to shift and change our identity. We will talk about the 3P system and many other things, I'm very, very excited about this conversation.

The quality of your questions determines the quality of your life.

Ask yourself this, am I asking myself the right questions to move my life forward?

And that's going to be part of the conversation I'm having in today’s episode.

Unbroken Nation, buckle up!

And Let’s get into the show!

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Michael: Hey! What's up, Unbroken Nation! Hope that you're doing well, wherever you are in the world today. I'm very excited to be back with you with another episode with my guest and friend Paul Beam, who is the creator of True North Ministries Man Camp in the True North Podcast. Paul, my man, what is going on in your world today?

Paul: A whole lot of stuff just like everyone else brother. It's good to be on the show with you. My life is no different than anyone else’s life there stuffs going on all the time and I hate the word busy but man sometimes that's the only word we can use to describe it. Right? Well, actually that's a really interesting thought. So, I don't know if you're familiar with Dave Metzler, but I was spending some time with him in Atlanta, a couple of weeks ago and I had said the word busy he goes, what if you tried the word active and it was like, oh, that's so good so I've been using that word a lot in my life recently really holding on to that. So, Paul, before we get in the show, for those who do not know you tell us a little bit about you; your story and how you got to where you are today.

Paul: Absolutely. I love to man. Thank you. So, my name is Paul being I live in Texas. I was born and raised in Texas little town called Brownwood is to be exact where I was raised graduated from early high school straight out of high school went into the Marine Corps where I served four years in the Marine Corps was stationed on the east coast and, North Carolina. And then came back to Texas and 2004 went back to Brownwood live there for a number of years until 2013 where I landed in the Austin area, which I never would have thought, I would have landed in the Austin area, but I did and so as life would have it I just picked up and started running with the ball and Austin. And so that's just a brief overview of kind of where I came from kind of where I am right now.

And 2013 things just started to shift pretty drastically for me as far as a man in general I spent a number of years of my life, just kind of aimlessly wandering about, you know. Basically my father abandoned, my mother and I, when I was two years old, she raised me until I was nine on her alone at which point she was remarried, but it wasn't necessarily to a man. A lot of people would say, as a good role model for being a husband and a father and a man in general. Now, I will say that through that matter of fact, I contributed a chapter to a book called The Greatest Lessons I learned from my father and I did write about my stepfather because I do believe that even though he wasn't necessarily the best role model I believe that the things we went through, the things that we endured certainly served as lessons in my life, as stepping stones for lack of better word and really help shape for me into the man that I am today. But that being said, in 2013 I really started digging a little deeper into who I am as a man started asking some pretty hard questions of course, I've been through some rough stuff, I had been married for 10 years and then divorced and we had three children together and so there was just a lot things that I was faced with at that point in time and ended up going to pretty intensive counseling program for a number of months and through that just kind of started to really figure out who I was and tap into my identity as a man, which since then, I believe is our core, it's our foundation. I didn't know one who we truly are, knowing what our role is in this world and so that's kind of what I've done since 2013 and 2015. I realized that I needed to be surrounded by other men, that could actually speak life into me and share their wisdom with me men that I looked up to that I admired because of the things that they had accomplished or the life they were living or simply because of the men that they were being just admirable honorable men.

And I decided to host my first event 2015 not because I was just like, hey, I think it's cool idea to start an event but because I seen that there was a need that was not being met essentially I was attending in a mega church and every year I realized that they would host in a bit for women, but really nothing for men. And I was like, man, I'm gonna fix this, I'm just gonna invite a bunch of guys out to the property and I'm gonna cook some barbecue form and will hang out and challenge each other and encourage each other. So anyway, one thing led to another and that's how men can't begin really just started kind of selfishly I guess just me wanting to be surrounded by other men, but at the same time he wanted to pour into others because I knew that everything I had been through up to that point my life like I had a purpose, I knew that I could use my experiences to help encourage other men and speak life into them and to help them. Number one, either avoid same mistakes that I made or number two, like climb their way out of the make mistakes that they're right in the middle of right then and there without judgment, without ridicule, without filling abandon or anything like that they could be their authentic self and know that there's someone there that so long as they truly want to help and are willing to do the work there's someone there to walk by their side and kind of walk with them through that and that was 2015. And so that's when I first four main Camp since then a 400 non profit out of that which we called True North Ministries, man and that has been the last year talking about, you know, last several months for you have been super rough like the last year for me man has been crazy I ended up January 2021, I was in an ATV accident, I was not the driver and it was a rollover wasn't buckled in and so basically rejected me, so I had to have neck surgery, some point I'll be having to have knee surgery as well. So I had surgery and then at that time, I was also trying to incorporate a new board for the organization and then over time it's just the way things went but it did not work out with the board and it was a very very ugly time there for a little bit with the old board and really to work through that stuff.

And so anyway, the 2021 was just a crazy year and still working through some of that stuff but all that being said, what I'm working on now is True North brother than True North Ministries, being a non-profit, we're now transitioning to an LLC and we'll call ourselves True North Man still continue our beds, still continue coaching men and doing small group codes and got a couple ideas as for books and courses and planners and stuff like that, that I'm working on creating right now. So, man that may be more in the ass for, but that's a little bit of my story and what brought me to where I am to this day.

Michael: Yeah, man, I love well, you know, we're here to have stories into talk and I think that, you know, you talked about something incredibly important that I've spent a lot of time diving into here on Think Unbroken and that is looking at identity. I believe that one of the most important things that we can do is recognize that our identity can be changed. I frequently, tell people the Michael sitting here, having this conversation with you today is a realization of an idea of the man that I thought I could be. And that took a tremendous amount of work and effort and energy because often identity is stripped from as in childhood, and you find yourself in this position of, I don't know if this was true for you, but as a man growing up in just being told, this is how men operate, this is what you should do, it's about money, women, cars, clothes, drugs, none of the things of real that you were value. And I found myself at multiple points in my life, really feeling like I was sacrificing myself because of an identity that I didn't create. And so Paul, I would love for you to talk a little bit about, not only identity, but your journey, your experience in discovering that for yourself and how you help others do the same.

Paul: Sure. Yeah. So identity for me, I would definitely agree with you that I think over time identity it becomes convoluted as we're being raised by our parents and its kind of weird as I think about where you're saying, like I think is young children, like there is there's room for us to be who we are and express ourselves. Right? Like people almost welcome that, it's encouraged, it's like, oh, you're so cute, like you owe you, he said this, oh, you know, that's funny, that's cute he did this, oh, that's funny that's cute. So it's almost like as we're younger, people kind of welcome that but then we hit a certain point in our life and a certain age where people start saying, hey, get your act together, buddy like and that's where I think the identity begins to shift at there's this pivotal and critical moment in our life. And I would say is probably you know, that 10 years old to 15 years old range where we're trying to come into our own, we're trying to figure things out, or trying to figure out who we are, where we fit in, what this life is about and how we fit in to this life. And but then, we also have these outside voices, right? And they're telling us will you're this or you're that or you're not this, or you're not that, or this is okay, and that's not okay and so on and so forth.

So becomes very convoluted and very confusing and I believe that's where if we don't have the right people in our life that haven't worked through their own stuff that's where we're going to really get off track, because all of a sudden they're twisted perspective, their insecurities, their insufficiencies, their thoughts and ideations that are more negative than positive or their ignorance I use that term not in an ugly manner but just saying ignorance is simply when we don't know what, we don't know. Right? And so all that starts to be poured into us, right? And so the more ignorant, the people are that are speaking into our lives more ignorant we're going to be, you know, and that means that there's a ton of stuff that we haven't been taught that, quite frankly we should have been taught.

And so for me, it's simple things to it's like, how do you budget? How do you save? You know, what does it look like to actually go to work and be responsible? And then for some people is like, how do you change the tire? How do you change your oil? How do you clean your room? So for everyone, it's different for me, it was really just the fundamental foundational components of living as a young adult, right? Like I didn't a lot of budget I wasn't responsible with my money, I didn't pay my bills, you know, I didn't pay my medical bills and all this and that and I'd just go without passed up it continue to try to make money. And so that was part of the stuff that I had to work through is just those foundational components like, what does it mean to be an adult? How do I be responsible? How to be reliable and so on and so forth in that, you know, and then how do I parent? How to raise my children? What kind of words do I speak to them? What kind of disciplinary actions got put into place for them that are appropriate, the appropriate boundaries, not these boundaries that street swing way outside of the lines that fall on the spectrum of abuse, whether it's verbal, mental, emotional or physical, right? So, how do I do that? Like, when I spanked my kid or should I spend my kid, but if I do decide that disciplinary actions, include spanking my child, what does that look like that? Just beat him with the board, the take a leather strap and just beat the heck out of them. Do I took a switch out of the tree? You know, so just simple things like that, I say, simple but it's like, well, when we're not taught these things, we just don't know, it's like, okay, how do I discipline my children? And then furthermore, the better side of that is, how do I encourage my children? How do I let my children know that I love them and that I'm here for them and that I support them? How do I let my children know that I'm proud of them? How do I verbally express that, right? Because, words are life, or death.

And for me as a young man growing up, like words, quite frankly were death, but the words being spoken to me were death, and it just killed my soul, killed my identity, it killed my security, it killed my vision, killed my goal and my dreams. You know, when you go through that kind of stuff as you're being raised and as a young man, especially as you're going through puberty and you're really just starting to figure things out and alive or you're trying to figure things out in this confusion sets in and it's like at some point you just get totally lost because you don't know. And so there's a lot of that stuff that I just had to work through myself and I think it goes back, I think you had mentioned some about this minute ago, but man, it's hard work like it's not easy even when you have parents, that raised you the right way, the speak life into it, teach you the responsibilities that you need to have just as foundational components for being able to live on your own.

You know, it's not easy when you have parents who do that, but man, when you have parents that haven't done that, and maybe not because they just wanted to neglect it necessarily but just because they didn't know better, man, there's a lot of layers to the onion that you have to peel back. And sometimes it is very painful, emotionally, you know, it's painful thinking about who we are, how we show up in this world and then is that truly who I am, is a truly who I want to be, is a truly how I want to show up, is that truly the impact I want to be making in the world? So I think through these things often times, I've found that as adults, we I'd much rather avoid that because it is painful and it takes effort and it takes an energy and quite frankly as adults a lot of times, it's sad, but nowadays, we just want to work and pay the bills, you know, so to add more to our plate is, it's not in our realm of existence rise not some we desire to do, hopefully that answered the question. I don't even remember what the question was.

Michael: You know, I think that well, it's about identity, right? And I think so much of this experience has partly, I believe that the Crux of creating who you are within the scope of your understanding, is like, asking yourself really difficult questions all the time. And I've discovered and I actually appreciate you kind of going through that thought pattern with yourself here and in the way that you present that because you know, it is like even I've looked at my life and I thought to myself growing up as a boy, I never had any sort of structure for what it meant to be a man other than abuse, violence, drugs, alcohol, women, and that was in my own house. Right? I never had knew how to change.

I'll never forget this, my roommate who was my best friend at the time, when I was 23, we're getting out of ready to go to our other roommates wedding, I didn't know how to tie a tie, I was 23 years old I'd never done that before one time in my whole life, and I was so in that moment embarrassed. And I remember going in my friend and being like, dude, I don't know how to do this. Will you help me? And he helps me, tie a tie. And dude, it was one of the most important moments of my life because I never had a man in my life to help guide me or give me the tools or be able to ask those kind of questions. And I think you're spot on I wrote something I'm working on my fourth book now called Unbroken Man, it'll be my third published because I recognized like as men, a lot of us are still operating as boys and that's not looking for clarity in the transparency, I don't think that's any fault of our own. I think that comes from the structure of the society, in which we've been raised where men have been children or little boys as adults. Dude, I remember like distinctly what it was like, the first time I got myself out of that because no one ever taught me to pay my bills. The collectors were always calling because that's what I experienced as a kid. Our experiences, our learned behavior, everything that leads us to where we are today, come from everything that we learn. You mentioned something actually that I really would like to go into a little bit and you were asking this question about who are the people around me? And I think that they're such evidence around the reality that the people, you surround yourself with impact your life in these very dramatic and drastic ways, some for the good, some for the bad. Then and I think that one of the hard parts about growing up a boy and kind of, you know, are parallel of our story Paul is very similar, right? And growing up in like finally, getting community or Brotherhood and we hold on to that, but then we start to grow and we notice that those people often they want to pull his back. So what I'm really curious about man and your journey and as you've grown, as you've taught, as you've let other men, how do you talk to men who are in this position where they're like, and I guess people in general honestly because we have women listening in the show as well but how do you navigate that place of like you're in this growth phase but other people in your life want to pull you down and you're like well, but I need the companionship like how do you navigate the chaos of all that?

Paul: Man, that is such a great question because I believe, I don't think it's a black or white answer, quite frankly because, well, first and foremost, I'll preface it with this. I always tell people that who we surround ourselves with is very important and, you know, I don't remember who said it, but they say, you know, the five people, you surround yourself with you, look at those five people and that's who you're going to become, whoever, you hang out with the most. And I do believe that people shape us and told us people rub off on us, their thoughts, their habits that patterns, they're so on and so forth. And now, as far as people who want to pull us down I think we have to seriously look at we have to take inventory, right? There's a lot of things we have to inventory in our lives as we begin to go down this path of really figuring out who we are and what our purpose and mission is in this world. One of those things we've got to take inventory of, is our relationships, it's the people that we are surrounding ourselves with because if I tell myself, that I want to be, lets say a motivational speaker and I want to inspire people and change their lives and encourage them with words that really just hit the heart, well, you know, if I drinking and drugging and partying and hanging out with a bunch of goons that, that's all they look for is weekend after weekend, they're vulgar with their talk, they're vulgar with they're jokes, they're crass so on and so forth. The reality is that's probably going to pull me down that's going to keep me from actually attaining and achieving the goal of becoming that motivational speaker that actually speaks wholesome words, honorable words, encouraging words, inspiring words, graceful words, poetic words, right? Because all I'm surrounding myself with is people who do the exact opposite. So I would say that we have to take inventory and that's the easy part is saying, does this person in line with who I want to be? And if they don't, we have to seriously figure out how do I put boundaries around this particular relationship or this particular person?

Now, then there are those other people only take inventory this like, man, this person is just super negative, this person's tell me Paul like dude, you are who you are just be who you want to be and keep doing what you're doing, like that kind of talk or Paul like, d really want to be a motivational speaker, why? I don't get that, like those kind of people also, you've got to say, okay, how am I going to put boundaries around this person? And then I think, of course, the closer people are to as relationally. So let's say we have these fears, we have acquaintances and we have friends, and then we have extended family and then we have our immediate family and then we have our family, that's right here on our home like your spouse, right? So that's a little different, it takes a little more thought, it takes a different kind of process to look at our spouse and say, is my spouse is negative? Is my spouse pulling me down? And then we have some different kind of conversations, it's spouse, it's not as easy as just clipping the cord and saying, hey, you're I'm done with you by out of my life. Now, for some people, it might be, but I would even for some people who even could do that, I don't think that's the right thing to do, I think that it requires attention and requires some delicacy and being able to maybe see some wise counsel and make sure that there's proper communication going on, that does that is any that resonate. Is that kind of answer the question that you were asking? What did I go in a totally different direction with that?

Michael: Yeah. You know, I think that there's so many different aspects of it and I think you're spot on like the one thing I hear you doing here, which I think is incredibly important is asking the questions, right? Asking the questions because so many people just take things for face value. I would say probably one of the things that holds most true about who I am as a person is that I'm a contrarian dude, I question everything. There's nothing that's laid in front of me that I'm not going to question and that's held huge dividends in my life that's been able to propel me into place to be successful where I otherwise may not have been and in to some extent like honestly, like I feel like it's not like one of my superpowers. What I'm curious about Paul is for people listening and the quality of your questions determines the quality of your life. What I would love is if you could give some people some practical ways in which that they can start asking themselves questions because I can promise you that there are people listening right now, The Unbroken Nation who are just like, I've never asked myself a question like this before, this feel super freaking uncomfortable, I don't know, what the hell I'm doing. Paul help me, how do I ask myself questions? Like you're asking.

Paul: Yeah, that's great. So man, I'm going to give you some wisdom or some knowledge or we'll leave it at that wisdom or knowledge that actually just came to me this morning. I always tell people for some reason, some of my best thoughts and ideas come to me when I'm standing in the shower in the mornings, staring at blank walls, it's like so weird. But anyway, this morning I was just thinking about some content that is going to go on my book. And so there's three words that came to mind for me is past, present, and plan. So to be more specific to gear this towards your question is, what are some practical steps that people could say, so let's say it is for the sake of really, just tapping into who we are and figuring out. Hey, who am I? Who am I is Paul being? I would say, one of the first things we could do is look at our past and understand that our past does not define us. Our past also doesn't have to be all negative even if there's been a lot of bad that has happened in your past and this is where the mind shift comes in, right? Like, you know in the past I had to deal with abuse and alcoholic parents and parents addicted to drugs or so on and so forth, I'm not saying those things aren't bad. But what I am saying is we look at the past when we figure out how can we take some positive from that? Like, I was just talking to a friend the other day and he said, you know what? He said I didn't realize this till after my dad passed away, he said, I always thought, you know, that I would be better off without my dad but then when he passed away, I started realizing that he actually gave me a gift in his absence. He taught me who had don't want to be, you know, and so that's a gift and that's a different way of looking at his father and it helps him forgive his father as well. And then he went on further to say, you know, I realize that my father was just doing the best he could he was doing all he knew to do. And so there again like Grace and forgiveness, right? If we can look at the past and figure out the things that have happened in our past, that have kind of shaped who we are right now, in this present moment like, how did that particular circumstance situation adversity whatever it was. How did it impact me right now? Like, okay, I burned my hand on the stove when I was six years old really has no impact on me now, other than the fact that I know not to touch that hot stove again, right? So I did learn a lesson from it or I can look at the scar on me where it burned were shriveled, and says, a man that is ugly but we got to get past that we got to say, no, that is character, and its character and I now not know not to touch a stove, but that's kind of more of just like a surface level, all right? But I'm talking about the bad stuff that's really happened.

So look at our past to say what kind of adversity have we been through?

And how has that helped us? What kind of positive things can we take away from that? And then also ask ourselves, okay, what kind of good things happen to me? Because gratitude is a huge part of being a whole person, a whole individual is being able to have gratitude for the things that we have in our lives, look at the positive and say, man, I sure am grateful for that. So, two components of the past, right? Like look at the negative stuff say what lessons that I take away from this and look at the positive stuff and just allow yourself to like the present in that moment say, that's awesome, I'm grateful for that. And then the present like, how am I currently living? Like, based on the past? What have I let impact me from the past that is now shaping my behavior in a negative way in the present? All right? And then the opposite question, what in the past is shaping my behavior in a positive way, right? Like so, a chaotic environment, as a child we are constantly on alert you're aware of everything going on rock, you're gauging the room when people are angry or frustrated or upset. Well, what that does for me, and the present is it makes me aware of my surroundings, it gives me a keen sense of awareness of what's going on around me that allows me to look around the room and see people who may need a little more attention or some kind words because they're fit, because they've got this frustrated look or just this look of despair, right? It allows me to be present in that moment feel that and actually change the situation at hand, right?

So that chaotic environment in the past, even though it was scary back then we'll what it's done for us now it has increased our awareness that has given us the situational awareness, this serves us and other people is well. And so that's the present. Who am I right now in the present? And the other thing to ask about, the president is Am I who I want to be? Am I where I want to be? You know, mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, financially, relationally, Am I where I want to be today? And, if not, why not? And then the other question is, we go into the plan, right?

The reason why I use a P, is alliteration, your past, your present and a plan.

A plan is always future-oriented, right?

So, instead of using the word future, I just use plan because it's always go future-oriented and its always future-oriented. So we take that we say, okay, who do I want to be? And we start casting vision? We say what is the plan look like? What is my vision on this goal, board here? Like who do I want to be? This is when I'm being right now, do I really want to be like that or there's some things in my life that I need to change and that I desire to change what kind of impact but I want to make in the world and then you create a plan around you say, well, this is the man I need to become an order to accomplish this.

So practical application. Ask those questions about the past. Ask those questions about the present and then ask yourself about the future. The present or the plan which is the future is that as confusing as all get-out or what?

Michael: I mean that makes perfect sense to me. You know, one of the things that I think about every single day, like literally it's the first thing that I do in the morning I sit down with my journal, I write face fear and then I ask myself who do I need to be today to be the person that's going to impact the world to create change to reach my mission? Because I often think about this reality that, like, whoever I was yesterday, is not good enough to get me to where I'm going. It's not that, that person is not a value, it's not that that person doesn't help me along the way but like, who I was yesterday, just those skills they don't apply to today. Today is a new day, it's a new thing, it's a new series of questions, but it always comes down to asking that because in that, and I think the thing that I would like to point out you didn't specifically say it but I'm going to get to face is that when you're asking yourself these questions, you're getting massive clarity about who you are. And I think one of the reasons why we struggle so often men, women doesn't matter how you identify is that we're not really given any road map to this thing called life, and then suddenly, you're in it and if you were in school, if you're in the military, if you're in college, if you're in a career, you always have a syllabus there's always a job description, there's always that thing right there for you that says, hey, this is who you need to be today so that you can move towards the goal. The reality though, is that in real life, like everything outside of that, you've got to create that structure for yourself. You've got to create that foundation. You've have to ask yourself these incredibly difficult questions, and it's only through asking yourself those incredibly difficult questions. Will that clarity ever come because I think the hardest question I asked myself in my twenties was like am I getting pepperoni or meat lovers? And that to me is like, not the solution, that's thing you need to ask, you need to ask yourself. What are your values? Who are you as a man in your moral characters? How do you show up in a way that you actually give a damn about yourself? And a lot of it also, I think is when you are faced with trials and tribulations and turbulence, I promise you, the next thing is coming is to be willing to look at it and just say, okay, I acknowledge this. What do I need to do to move through it? And one of the things I'm curious about here Paul, and you'd mentioned it as you've gone through these experiences in your life that were true mulch to us and you found yourself on the other side of it.

Then I think that people so often they get stuck here and they look at their life and they go this is the worst thing that's ever happened to me, how do I ever go on? I can't continue living, woe is me. And what I'm curious about Paul, because what I hear in your voice, what I hear in your story is really, I'm going to find a way to keep going forward. How do you help people do that? How do we keep going forward after hitting, you know, rock bottom's, divorces, kids are mad at us, business failure, that thing which is next has come, and we're just like, what do you do?

Paul: Yeah. I think one of the main things we have to be able to wrap our minds around is we're not in this alone, were not the only person enduring this. Like any pain that I've ever endured in my life I guarantee you there's been someone else who has endured that same pain, it may be varying degrees or maybe a different shade of color somewhere in there but ultimately there are other people who have experienced, what I have experienced. And so I'm not in the boat alone, there's other people that I can look for that, I can reach out to that have navigated and charted these territories, they can help me navigate and chart these territories that can actually, maybe it's not the exact course that I'm going to take, maybe it's not the exact map I'm going to use but something is better than nothing.

So if I can find someone who has been through, what I've been through, who has endured that who has survived it? Well, their map can at least get me started in the right direction. And so, I think that is one of the most important things is just to remember it like work, well, not the only one who has ever endured this; this particular situation and if we can just remind ourselves of that, that lets us know there's hope, right? Because someone else out there who has made it through this and then we can find those people. You know, sometimes that takes a little effort as well, it's not like, we're just gonna think of hey, I need someone who's been through this and they're just gonna poof up here maybe sometimes accidentally or by divine appointment, maybe, but otherwise it takes some effort and energy and I think that is one of the key components for us to remind ourselves of that.

I think we have to step back for just a moment, give ourselves a little Grace and in that also give ourselves a little credit and say this is okay, Paul, you're okay, and I tell you what, you can make it through this, you've got this, this is only making you better, right? Like, whatever adversities we face if we have the right attitude about it, if we have the victor mentality versus the victim mentality, we're going to look at our circumstances we're going to say, how can I become better through this?

Michael: Yeah, I love it and could not agree more and I think you're spot on. Like, there's so much validity to the idea like, truthfully, like you're in the only one going through this shit, other people have been through this, there's eight billion people on planet Earth, I promise you, you're not alone but to your point and I think you hit it right on the head. You've got to be willing to go and seek that because it's not just going to show up for you, you're going to have to go find that group, find that coach, find that book, find that, whatever that thing is that you're dealing with and go and seek some solutions. Paul, my friend this has been an amazing conversation before I ask you my last question, can you tell everyone where they can find you?

Paul: Yeah, absolutely man. First of all, thank you for having me on your show. Thank you for allowing me to converse with you in front of your audience is definitely a blessing and honor, and a pleasure, and a privilege. So, Paulbeam81 at Facebook, and then of course, our website And of course the True North Man Podcast as well, easy to find any kind of podcast platform were there.

Michael: Brilliant, and of course, we'll put all those links in the show notes for you Unbroken Nation. Paul my friend, my last question for you, is what does it mean to you to be unbroken?

Paul: Such powerful question brother. So as you heat it up for me and I was thinking through that, there's a verse that came to mind for me when I was thinking of what it means to be unbroken I'll read it really quick. 2 Corinthians 4:8 and it says, we are hard pressed on every side but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair; persecuted but not abandoned, struck down, but not destroyed. So to be unbroken, is to be in the valley and to know that there is a mountain top, there is a peak and that we are willing to get on the field of battle and make it to the top.

Michael: Beautifully said, my friend literally have Goosebumps in real time, that was incredible. Thank you so much for being here.

Unbroken Nation, thank you so much for listening.

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And Until Next Time.

My friends, Be Unbroken.

-I'll see you.

Michael UnbrokenProfile Photo

Michael Unbroken


Michael is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, speaker, coach, and advocate for adult survivors of childhood trauma.

Paul BeamProfile Photo

Paul Beam


PHONE : (512) 966-5438