Jan. 2, 2022

E166: Adaptation | CPTSD and Trauma Healing Coach

In this episode, it's another dive into my book Think Unbroken Understanding and Overcoming Childhood Trauma and share with you about Adaptation. As a child, you adapted to violence, fear, hate, pain, suffering, and being disregarded by the people who...
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In this episode, it's another dive into my book Think Unbroken Understanding and Overcoming Childhood Trauma and share with you about Adaptation.

As a child, you adapted to violence, fear, hate, pain, suffering, and being disregarded by the people who were supposed to protect you.

The process of change begins with a series of adaptations and new understandings of yourself in your environment. Change happens when you become who you are.

Life happens. Adapt. Embrace Change!

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Put the victim to bed and wake the hero instead. – Wesley Chapman

Adaptation, a change or the process of change, by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment.

Change happens when you become who you are. The process of change begins with a series of adaptations and new understandings of yourself in your environment. Until now you have adapted to trauma by learning to navigate the harshest of circumstances.

You have waited through the darkest and deepest waters, only a surface without a lighthouse or bowie insight. You have had to learn to adapt to the cold frigid water the dark nights and isolation.

As a child, you adapted to violence, fear, hate, pain, suffering, and being disregarded by the people who were supposed to protect you. As an adult, those same adaptations have kept you afloat until now. You are at a crossroads and being faced with a new environment. Most of which are based on the choices you make.

In those choices, new adaptations will begin to emerge and you will need to learn to navigate them as you did when you were young. The difference between now and then is that you have a choice in all the events that happen in your life even the way that you adapt to them.

One of the hardest adaptations that I have had to make, is in my core values and choosing, to be honest, at all times at least as honest, as I can be.

My earliest adaptation was in becoming a masterful liar and through choice and understanding the impact that I have on my environment it became clear that my lies were not only hurting the people around me, but they were destroying my life.

My adaptation from award-winning liar to becoming viciously honest with myself, and the world was an adaptation that took years. This was the same as my self-talk, diet, exercise, self-care routines, and behaviors and relationships. The foundations for this adaptation were in mindset, choice, and an unfathomable vulnerability with myself. This will likely look very similar to your new adaptations.

So I'm going to go off the cuff a little bit here because I think this is an important place for me to interject something. I didn't add a becoming unbroken exercise here and as I've sat with this book for a while and read this chapter a few times again, and again thinking about was this complete, I recognize that it's not necessarily that this is not a complete chapter, but I want to add something.

People are often seeking this idea of that moment in which they are recognized, like wow, my life has changed, something is different, suddenly I'm that thing that I always hoped that I would be.

The truth is one of the things you have to understand is that; that is occurring every single day that you are moving towards the life that you want to have, every single day that you show up for yourself and you do the work, you talk to yourself kindly, you go to the gym, you eat well, you write, you meditate, you journal, whatever those things are as long as you are doing them that is a part of the adaptation process. And in time, what will happen is, you'll notice that these things that used to be seemingly unfamiliar or maybe made you nervous or uncomfortable are now a part of who you are.

That's why in the previous chapter I talked about routines because the more you stick to those routines that are health-based, the more adaptation will start to take place and in that shaping one day, you will notice, wow, things are totally different, I feel like that person that I've wanted to be.

Stopped looking for this idea that one day, one thing will automatically define all of the work that you've been doing because I will tell you this; after a year and years of doing this work that's just not how it is. There's never going to be a singular moment in time, in which it all comes together and manifest into this beautiful understanding of I'm healthy, I'm healed, I am complete, but if you look for it in little bits and pieces every single day and everything that you do then you start to notice.

And one of the things that people ask is well, how do you know that it's different?

Compare yourself in six months to where you are right now, this moment. If you step into this and you make the choice that you're going to go down the path of Think Unbroken and take these principles and these ideas and these concepts and leverage them to have the life that you want.

From this moment forward, that becomes your measure, I've said it before the only measure that you have for success is a self-defined narrative.

And in six months from now, if you stay the course, if you do these things, then you will notice adaptation I started to take place because you're showing up for yourself, you're honoring yourself and most importantly, you're creating the change that you've desired.

Michael UnbrokenProfile Photo

Michael Unbroken


Michael is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, speaker, coach, and advocate for adult survivors of childhood trauma.