Irene LyonProfile Photo

Irene Lyon

Nervous System Specialist

Irene Lyon, MSC. and nervous system expert, teaches people around the world how to work with the nervous system to transform trauma, heal body and mind, and live full, creative lives. To date, her online programs have reached thousands of people in over 60 countries. Irene has a Master’s Degree in Biomedical and Health Science and also has a knack for making complex info easy for ALL of us to understand and apply to our lives. She has extensively studied and practices the works of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, Peter Levine (founder of Somatic Experiencing) and Kathy Kain (founder of Somatic Practice). Irene spends her free time eating delicious food, hiking in the mountains or walking along the Pacific Ocean in her hometown of Vancouver, British Columbia.

Oct. 27, 2023

Breaking Free from Trauma: Transformative Stories from Expert Guests

In a series of insightful conversations on Think Unbroken Podcast, The guests share their personal journeys of transformation and healing. Michael and Blaise Kennedy discuss... See show notes at: https://www.thinkunbrokenpod…
March 8, 2023

Unlocking Trauma: A Somatic Approach to Calming Your Nervous System with Irene Lyon

In this episode, we explore the connection between trauma and our body's response. Irene Lyon, a nervous system specialist and somatic neuroplasticity expert... See show notes at:…