Discovering Mind Method and creating your future through mindset | CPTSD and Trauma Healing Podcast

In this episode, I combined all the powerful and amazing guests on Think Unbroken Podcast and talked about Discovering Mind Method and creating your future through mindset.

One of the best things that you can do in your life gets clear about big things. There's something to be said about stubbornness in the power that it can have in creating change in your life, but it can also hinder you. It can also be the idea that you would make up your mind about everything before having all the data that will hinder you. It will stop you from progressing and not being successful; having a fixed mindset is so much about this idea that you have already predetermined what will happen in your life.

Come On and Join Us Now, Unbroken Nation!

--------------------- CONTENT OF THIS VIDEO ----------------------


00:00 – INTRO
00:56 – What does it mean to "Get Your Identity out of your own way?" (Gunther Mueller)
05:06 – How to listen to yourself? (Matthew Belair)
08:55 – Physical Endeavors (David Richman)
12:52 – Think Bigger (Karl Sona)

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