30 day trauma recovery challenge. Day 5 healing from abuse means self care and days off.

I have often been the person that goes 100 mph at all times. Part of my trauma brain tells me that I have to go and go without stopping or I will never reach my goals or I will end up not becoming the person that I want to be. Part of my 30 day trauma recovery is to take more time to rest. This includes Sundays off of work, naps when I need them, and getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night. So far so good.

I saw the new Avengers movie. It was amazing. I was disappointed with the last one but this one really hit the mark. I also ate too much popcorn and that made my tummy hurt. So yay for rest days!!

If you haven't seen it yet I recommend.

Also, if you haven't come to hang out in my Facebook Group: Think Unbroken please come join!