Jonathan Mills & Charlotte Stebbing-Mills

Jonathan Mills & Charlotte Stebbing-MillsProfile Photo

Authors/ Master Trainers/ Founders

With over 30+ years combined in health, fitness and wellness, Jonathan and Charlotte have been empowering individuals all over the world to become happier, healthier versions of themselves.

Inspiring people to say goodbye to stress and hello to lasting wellness means less time struggling and more time creating a meaningful impact in the world.

Our programmes have helped hundreds of incredible men and women to reach the top of their wellness game, whilst making sure they don’t burn out.

We aren’t interested in the illusions of instant gratification and fake overnight success stories that fills the screens of social media.

Instead we stay on the pulse of change, being mentored by the greatest teachers of our time so we can show up with proven, effective and lasting results for our community.

We are ‘normal’ people just like you who have had our fair share of human experiences and are now fortunate to be able to live a life we have designed to contribute to others.

Compassion and appreciation is woven into everything we do which creates a special vibe in our community.

March 16, 2022

E240: Health Theory with Jonathan Mills & Charlotte Stebbing-Mills | Mental Health Podcast

In this episode, we have guest speakers Jonathan Mills & Charlotte Stebbing-Mills, who run a company called Wellness Theory. We talk about the belt, sleep, nutrition, diet, stress, work, the whole nine, and this conversation…